Is my Mac jacking with my wireless router?


I have D-link 802.11g wireless router that's plugged into a wired network as well. I've never had any problem with it.

I've got several OS9 Macs and XP PCs on my network. All of those computers are plugged into the wired network and have static IPs for networking purposes with IP address between and My router is set to DCHP any wireless computers with an IP address higher than so there is no conflict.

Last week, I introduced my new Mac Book Pro into the lineup on the wireless network. It would be working fine, and then my connection to the Internet would die. The connection would be lost on at least one other computer, but I'm not sure if I was running it wired or wireless during that time. I rebooted my cable modem and router several times to fix it, and that would work. I called to gripe at my cable ISP a couple times, and the 2nd time, a tech did some checking and told me that my connection had been up through the whole time I had been having problems and that possibly it was a router problem.

A couple nights ago, I ran into the same problem. I tried something -- I plugged the Mac Book Pro into the wired network and turned off Airport. After a couple moments of thinking, it suddenly connected to the Internet with no problems. This has worked a couple of times since when the Internet connection disappears.

What gives? Is the Mac Book Pro somehow messing up my router on the wireless side? I'm really confused.
Have you somehow got more than one machine on the network trying to issue the ethernet addresses?
I'd try giving the macbook a static ip. Also check for firmware updates for your router.
It could also be that your router is dying. My last router had similar symptoms, before it carked it.