Is that a Panther In Your Pocket ...


Senior Member & Tech Guru
Is that a Panther In Your Pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

(conversation overheard when one guy whipped out his futuristic OS X PDA from his pants)
In the days before people understood what a Macintosh computer was ...

"Mommy, Mommy! Some man just showed me his mouse!"
Don't rain on my parade! If they built it, he will come... or is it, if I talk about it, they will BUILD it!?
They've already built a nice building for you, with comfy padded walls and everything...

GL, you going somewhere with this, or are you just crazy?
Going somewhere AND crazy.

But it won't be in the form of a PDA.

Apple has no plans for a PDA per se. But ...
i think he was making jokes.... Mommy a man just showed me his mouse lol. Everyone takes things too seriously here, honestly. Though it didn't make sense, it was a joke. He just wants a pocketmac, ipocket they should call it. They had one for a while, but it didnt sell for some reason..... when apple releases something suddenly the world is astonished by it.
Finally, someone gets me!

(People just don't pay attention. Case in point: anyone ever wonder what THIRD EYE BLIND stands for??)