Is the airport fully wlan compatible??



I've got a build in airport-card in my iBook, and I want to buy a wlan access-point. There're very cheap one's (only 100€ or so), and I don't want to buy the expensive airport station from apple.
Will my airport work with an ordinary wlan accespoint?

Thanks for your answers,

As far as I know, since the Airport card is an 802.11b wireless network card, it should be compatible with any 802.11b access device. I use a Compaq CP-2W access point for my Airport network since it was on clearance for $50; cheaper than my Airport card. My brother uses a Linksys access point in his apartment. So as far as I know, you can get any 802.11b wireless access point, regardless if it was designed for Wintel PCs, and you can get it to work with your Airport card. Two things will ensure that it will work:

1) Make sure it can be configured via HTTP; most access points have this feature
2) Try to get one with a built in Ethernet Switch

Mine has a 4-port Ethernet switch, which I used for the initial configuration since wireless would not work. After that I plugged my iMac into it via Ethernet. So as long as it has the HTTP configuration ability and an Ethernet switch, or at least one Ethernet port, you should be able to make it work with your iBook. Hope this helps!

Thanks for your answer, I'll buy the access-point next week probably, I'll post wheter it works. Otherwise I know that I can give it back to the shop.

My ibook works fine with my linksys WAP-11. The only problem I've had has been using security and passwords and the like and that's more an issue of not taking the time to figure it out.