Is the OS X install machine specific ?


Official visitor
I was wondering : are Mac OS X installs machine specific ? If they are not, one could :
1- take a hard drive from an unsupported Mac model
2- plug it into an officially supported machine
3- install OS X
4- then take the HD and plug it back into the original Mac.
If it boots, then one would only have to deal with the lack of sounds and a few other caveats, but at least be in X...

(Wicked me ! ;) )
Originally posted by Pascal
If it boots, then one would only have to deal with the lack of sounds and a few other caveats, but at least be in X...

No it won't boot.
You would have to alter your Firmware manually to let it look for an OSX System.
Else it is going to look for an OS 9 system on the disk.

That might be the solution aswell. First install OS 9 on the disk and then OSX over it. It will then first boot in OS9 and you can then use the startupdisk program to go to X.

Well of course you can try, but i just leave it on my G4 ;)