Is there a rush for yellow caps pepsi bottles ?


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
A question for our US iTMS lovers: Is there a rush for the yellow caps pepsi bottles ?
Everybody knows about it that I've talked to, I have yet to get my hands on a single bottle.

Cans are the way to go in Provo.
For those who don't drink Pepsi (or any any kind of soda for that matter), here is this little section from the official rules:

To receive one free game piece and a copy of Official Rules, while supplies last, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope postmarked on or before 3/31/04 to: Pepsi iTunes Game Piece, P.O. Box 9205, Young America, MN 55558-9205

Sent 20 of them in yesterday. Figure its cheaper than actually buying something I don't use.
Damn, I went to my local grocery store to get some Pepsis, but I was trampled in a stampede!!! Everyone was foaming at the mouth and grabbing pepsi bottles. I saw only a sea of hands, grasping, grasping, and I was pulled under. Somehow I was ejected out the front door but I had a couple pepsis with me! Sadly, they were not winning pieces. Now I commit suicide.
They've been very easy to find here. Actually found my first one last Wednesday or Thursday… wasn't a winner.

Since then I have bought 4 more promo bottles… 3 of which were winners. :D
How about 7-11, I go there all the time with my brother and they have 32oz cups with a built in game peace! (You know where you would put a lid on a paper cup? well right around that general area ther are two arows about an inch and a half apart pointing up tward the lip of the cup. If you cut the two arrows 'the length of each arrow is bout a half of an inch' than unroll the lip, you will see a message stating wether or not you lost!) Is this old news :confused:
The Memory Hole said:
For those who don't drink Pepsi (or any any kind of soda for that matter), here is this little section from the official rules:

To receive one free game piece and a copy of Official Rules, while supplies last, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope postmarked on or before 3/31/04 to: Pepsi iTunes Game Piece, P.O. Box 9205, Young America, MN 55558-9205

Sent 20 of them in yesterday. Figure its cheaper than actually buying something I don't use.


$.37 (that's the price of a stamp - right?) - there and back... -> $.74

1 in 3 chance of winning => $.74 * 3 = $2.22 for one free song.

You can get them for $.99 at the itunes music store.
Ok. I can't find them in NEW YORK CITY? WTF is up with that? Are they only going to be on 20 oz Pepsi, Diet Pepsi & Sierra Mist? I definatley have been trying hard to find those. My grocery store only has cans and 2 liters. I'm beginnig to wonder if its cheaper to buy the stupid songs.
74¢ per cap is still cheaper than $1 per cap. And you get soda out of it. :)

Not being an iTMS buyer (or a big Pepsi drinker), I haven't really payed attention. But if I get ahold of any caps, I'll auction them off to you guys. ;)
i am 6 for 6 so far!!! I have found them at one 7-11 in the detroit area. I have yet to get any songs yet. I am waiting to get atleast 20 or 30 before i redeam.

Can you redeem for an alubum if you have enough? Will I get the album price, or will i be forced to buy 18 songs for an 18 song album?
metfoo said:
i am 6 for 6 so far!!! I have found them at one 7-11 in the detroit area. I have yet to get any songs yet. I am waiting to get atleast 20 or 30 before i redeam.

Can you redeem for an alubum if you have enough? Will I get the album price, or will i be forced to buy 18 songs for an 18 song album?
Nope, songs only. And you better make sure you get them before May 1st, because the promotion ends at midnight eastern time on May 1st.