Is there any way of reinstalling iChat?


Depressed as hell
I regrettably removed iChat from my computer after falling in love with Fire. Now, I kind of wish I still had the option to use iChat. Is there any way of reinstalling it? You can't download it anywhere and it's not even an option from the CD.


okay, coming. i mail it to both of you.

--Edit: it requires anyway 10.2 :p
--Edit more: ... resolved.
x_x ichat is all buggy now. very slow, and ichat status doesn't work. egad. i even reinstalled X and that didn't help.
argh! it was that occursed v62 build of safari! it killed ichat! i gues tabs come with a price ^_^.
Boy, this reinstalling iChat thing seems to be a common problem ... could someone send me a copy too? You'd think by now Apple would've put it available somewhere for quick download .... oh well.

Thanks for the help.