Is there anyway to remove 10.4.1?


Ever since updating to 10.4.1 my PB has been shot. I have continual crashes when using any software. I tried adding my HDD to the privacy tab of the spotlight preferences and it was no help. I later removed it from the privacy tab and after multiple (15-20) reboot/immediate crash attempts I finally got it added back and can now at least boot up...although I still can't use any software. All of this started instantly after installing the update.

Is there some type of removal tool? Can I reinstall from my disc without wiping my drive? Is there any anwers?


Sorry if I've missed a post about this, but I'm frustrated. After being a PC user for all my life I made the switch a few years ago and have been pleased every second of my experience until this moment. I'm very capable of fixing my PC due to the many problems and years of practice, but without having any previous trouble with my Powerbook...well, I've had no reason to learn. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Have you repaired permissions?? Run Disk Utility?? Did you do all of this before performing the update to 10.4.1? Did you perform the update with any USB/Firewire devices attached?

Can't think of any more questions, but please let us know what you did to prepare befopre the upgrade.


If you want to remove 10.4.1, you'll have to reinstall your Tiger but do an "Archive and Install" procedure. This will create a new System folder but will keep all the apps and files you have added intact.
I have repaired permissions...I did not do it right before the update, but I had done it within 48 hours before the update. When I ran it afterwords I believe it repaired 2 things. I'll try running the disk utility now...I did have a USB mouse and a firewire Hard Drive hooked up (though not turned on) at the time of the update.

Thank you for the help.
Now I can't get disk utility or disk warrior to finish a task without crashing. I tried something called "safe boot" that I read somewhere online.

when I start to boot up, the sound soon as it's done I hold the shift key down until I see the apple log & the swirling progress thing. At this point it's supposed to continue to boot into this "safe boot", but instead mine just shuts down.

My Tiger disc is at my friends house (we bought a family license pack) and I can't grab it until he gets home afterwhile. Any other ideas?
On my 1st attempt at an "archive and install" it would never verify the hard drive.

2nd and 3rd time it crashed before it could start.

As much as it will suck, I'm going to have to do (or at least attempt) a fresh install. The only thing I really can't afford to lose is my emails that are in enterauge(sp?)...I really need to try and dump them (and the address book as well) to something. Of course I can't start the program without it there a specific directory or file that I can backup in order to import or use later?

Any help would be appreciated.

I am having nothing but problems with Tiger, I have an HP all in one printer and they have not made a driver to work yet. My indesign wont allow me to export to Acrobat, my microsoft products wont even open. So what I am wanting to know is that if I do an "Archive and Install" am I going to lose all the programs that I currently have on my computer. I am a graphic designer and I need to be able to operate my computer at its fullest and I am unable to get around this. I like Tiger however, I need to be able to have access to all my programs. Someone please help. I am clueless over here. Thank you.
Hello. Sorry to hear you're having problems (both of you - tdurst1 - you could be accused of hijacking a thread - but I'm not that sort of guy...)
I'd like to say that I have no problems here (admittedly I don't use Indesign, but I do use MS Office). There is no known rollback procedure - but I read of techniques that 'fool' the system... you run the risk of potential additional files (from the latester update) being left in place of course. Regular backups is the way to protect yourself and (I've learnt through painful experience) be cautious with any update...
Installing or Archiving is quite a radical action? I'd suggest going back a step... consider these. (Your problem sounds Preference related so concentrate on those first)
• go into Open Firmware and check hard drive. (Power up with Command+S depressed, wait for text to finish and copy the commands listed... afterwards continue booting with the command of exit and press return).
•create new user - and test
•Either delete your preferences /<user>/Library/Preferences (progs will remake them) OR run a Preferences Checker see:
•Zap PRAM (defaults some system wide prefs - so be aware!).
•Run the Hardware Test from the Apple supplied CD (extended test takes 20 mins or so dependant on amount of RAM installed). This will at least clarify hardware is OK from Apple's POV.

onetre - the last one seems more relevant to you - you're further down the line - not being able to boot in safe mode smacks of a boot/hardware prob - are you saying that you can boot normally but not in safe mode? (Assuming you can boot at all now :-( ). as far as backing up directories is concerned, as a catchall for data - get your 'Home' onto a CD/DVD/Firewire...
tdurst1 - as far as the printer is concerned, you'll have to wait for HP - unless you're happy to play with other drivers... always do an inventory of software/hardware before an OS change - not everyone is as fast as Apple .

PS: Whilst i agree with Major Burns about peripherials - Apple recommend that 'all non standard hardware is removed when troubleshooting ;-)'... and whether we like it or not, they make the gear so what they say goes...

When I (glibly) say delete the Preferences folder, be a little cautious - don't delete the whole thing!! You can look for files with the 'relevant' name in the title ie<whatever>, sometimes these have their own separate folders inside of the user Preferences folder... Software manufacturers also use the /Library/preferences folder sometimes for system wide stuff - so have a look in there...
I will note that I have had to simply reinstall Office before - due to an OS update and the placement of MS files (in the new OS) was 'incorrect'. But try the other suggestions, they may save you a lot of grief - and if you get it working remember to backup!! Oh and be cautious! Dagnabit, I'm beginning to rant... :)
If you don't fancy deleting any preference files you can just move them, to your desktop for example, and new ones will be created. If anything goes wrong you still have the originals you can put back.