Is this normal wear, or is the finish on my powerbook bad?


I'm in a bit of a predicament here. On the one hand, I do know anodized aluminum does wear, and, seeing as how much usage I've gotten out of it, it's to be expected. But I have a suspicion that my powerbook's wear is getting a little bit extreme for a computer I keep meticulously clean.

Wear1.jpg shows a disturbing development- there was a dull area under my space bar. I had assumed that somehow, it was dirty, so I took a damp cleaning cloth and began rubbing it- and the finish began peeling off! I quickly stopped, but yikes!

Wear2.jpg - I'd assume this is more 'normal' wear- there are black dots appearing where I rest my hands when using the powerbook. Has anyone else noticed this?

Should I just put up with this? It's a 6 month old computer.


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You should definitely contact apple. I have seen many alubooks and some that are 2 years old and heavily in use but I never saw something like this before.
Mine is more than 2 years old and used all day every day, never seen anything like the bit under your space bar.

The black spots, on the other hand, well i do get dirty patches there from resting my hands on the keyboard, but they clean off with a little gentle pressure.
I've had my Aluminium 'Book for over a year now.... nothing like the wear in the first picture. Something had to have scraped or aggrivated it, somehow.

Second.... just seems dirty. Try wiping it off with your fingers, the same way you'd get rid of the sticky stuff left behind from a sticker- a little pressure.
I clean my powerbook about every other day with a special cleaning cloth I purchased at the Apple store. I don't wear a ring or a watch... I have no idea what's up with that area in particular. It peeled off when I was wiping it clean with a little gentle pressure.