Is this possible?...



See how when a window is inactive its menubar is 50% transparent? Is there any way to make it so that the whole window is 50% transparent when it is inactive?

Also, I like Mac OS X's 128x128 icons but how do I get really big ones (like 256x256)?

One more thing: I was wondering if there was any way to speed up the application launches and Classic startup. It takes 20-30 "bounces" for a regular OS X app to start up and it takes Classic 20-30min to finish starting up. However, once Classic is started up, the Classic apps take one "bounce" and they start up.

Thanks for your help!

to speed up application launch. go apple, system preferences, dock, take the tick out of animate application launches, as for transparency - anyone? :)
What are your system specs? DOes it really take 20-30 minutes for Classic to start up? That certainly doesn't seem right? Application launches of 20-30 bounces are occaisionally witenessed, but Classic should really only take about the same time to start-up.

Perhaps you are running with too little RAM...?

If you are having these kinds of problems with speed already, I wouldn't recommend compounding it with full transparency of inactive windows.

I've often thought of transparent widows for inactives, but I realized that having just the title bar is enough. If the entire window was transparent, then every window behind it would be transparent, and you'd never be sure which window you were clicking on...

Have a good one?
What are your system specs? DOes it really take 20-30 minutes for Classic to start up? That certainly doesn't seem right? Application launches of 20-30 bounces are occaisionally witenessed, but Classic should really only take about the same time to start-up.

System specs? I have a PowerMac 8500 with 150Mhz if thats what your asking. Yep, it really takes somewhere around 20-30min for Classic to start up. Maybe I need more Mhz?

Perhaps you are running with too little RAM...?

As for the RAM, I have 260MB of RAM installed.

If the entire window was transparent, then every window behind it would be transparent, and you'd never be sure which window you were clicking on.

Your right. Didn't think about that, guess it would get really confusing!

Does this help any?

I don't think it'd be out of the question to take that long on a 8500.. 150mhz, 604 (?) cpu, ~50mhz bus... it's unsupported for a reason ;P