is "volunteer" up yet ?

ok problem solved

Browser cookies were on,
but forum cookies were not
Turned em on (damn I'm good :p) and I signed up
Admin...I dare ya...pronounce my name hehehe :p

Tried to make myself a "Deamonic Volunteer" but it doesnt work ;) Hey admin did u bless the serve with holly water ?? hehehe :D
You are a junior member till your 100th post.
after that you are considered a seniot member.
YOu can change your rank (I made mine simply daemonic) by going to the control panel and editing your info :)

Its in the same place where it asks you where you live and your interests
You have to wait 10 days or 10 posts (whichever comes later) before you are able to change your "Title". Using volunteer, moderator, or admin in your title is blocked, unless you are specifically assigned such a title.

So after 10 days I can change my rank to anything without Admin, Moderator, or Volunteer in it...right?!
