Hello habilis.
habilis :
toast. with all due respect, in America, that reply would be classified as "Talkin loud, Sayin Nothin". Even with all your elitist dribble you made no counterpoint to mine.
Well, as your first post had strictly no interesting content, it was very hard for me to build a documented counterpoint. I would like you to read back your first post, then mine, then tell me who's "talking loud and saying nothing".
I'll add this expression exists in the rest of the world.
Finally, if evoking country names is 'elitist dribbling' for you... *.
You of all the people in the world should have more respect for America's right to defend itself, but then again how would you know, it's not like your precious Eifle Tower went down with 3,500 dead. It's so easy for you to speak from across the Atlantic, safe and warm with all your Iraqi Oil deals.
So, what should I do ? Shut up and let you take your revenge ? Come on, is that Prehistory ?!
- First, attacking Iraq is way different from repyling to 9/11 attacks.
- Moreover, we French people know what terrorism is about too, even though we've got no Twin Towers equivalent we had bombs in the metro for example.
- From where I stand,
you are the one on the other side of the Atlantic, safe and warm with all his Iraqi oil deals.
Think about how you guys are going to look once the short war is over
LOL, that was what WWI French soldiers leaving their families said when they left their homes in 1914. If you remember well, Vietnam war was supposed to last 6 months, Bosnia and Chechnya were supposed to be kind of Blizkriegs, Afghanistan was supposed to be an immediate and ponctual response to 9/11.
Instead of that, WWI lasted 4 years, Vietnam wars lasted almost thirty years, Bosnia lasted over ten years, Chechnya has not stopped yet and Bin Laden is still training his factions.
all the secret documents come out about the sinister dealings France had with Saddam.
Is that supposed to be a threat ? I am much more worried about the sinister dealings USA had with Saddam that will come out. You see, as France does not support war, the Saddam administration has all interest in burning dealings between France and Iraq, whereas it has all interest in producing as much evidence as it can that USA has secret interests in Iraq.
In brief, you should the one worrying. I'm not even sure you should be, though: we already know 90% of the US/Hussein secret agreements. Compared to them, French/Iraqi oil deals almost seem honest.
What will the Iraqi people think about you when they find out that France has been buying oil from Saddam, enabling his Grand Palaces and murderous weapons programs to be built while the children starved and died in the streets, selling Saddam parts to make weapons and reactors.
Is this a desperate attempt to make me laugh ? Nine weapons out of ten in Iraq are US-made. The chemical patents and research programs were built from American ones. Is this a real trace of ignorance from you ? Didn't you know Iraqi WMDs are based on the stuff your own country taught them to build up ?
When the war's over(2 months at the longest) and we liberate the Iraqi's(and we will) you're ilk are going to lose all relevance in the world, and no one will listen to another paranoid word you have to say.
- The very simple fact you think a war with a country like Iraq can last for 2 months only shows what you know * about Iraq, about Middle East conflicts in general and about the history your own country shares with Iraq.
- The USA are the ones losing all relevance here.
First, they show total inefficience in international relations to rally other coutries to their cause (except for Great-Britain, well, I won't comment on that
Moreover, they confirm the fact they're completely stubborn and blind as well as inconscient and obnoxious by announcing a unilateral war on Iraq is they don't get what they want by diplomatic means, which demonstrates the Bush administration total inaptitude and 'hawk' (read: bellicist) nature.
On top of that, the USA are showing to the whole Third World they are no model to follow to build an intelligent, pacifist country. They had already lost most relevance before 1991, but now that they are the only superpower left and still acting as dumb bellicists, their model is slowly collapsing.
- To end, the word 'paranoid' applies to the guys who shout Saddam is a threat and that he should be bombed as soon as possible, not to the guys who say peace is still conceivable without war.
Your administration is trying to make Saddam appear as threat, mine is not.
Your administration is making comparison between terrorism and Iraq, aiming at scaring the US people that tomorrow, if they don't go to war with Iraq, they'll receive some other planes on the head.
Your_administration is hence using well-known techniques of what can be called state terrorism to alarm the people and to justify, in the most pathetic way, their deplorable war project.
The USA are the world most well-known paranoids, sorry to tell you that. Don't you remember anti-communist propaganda ? McCarthyism ? "Argh ! The reds will invade us if we don't strik'em now !", "Argh! The Viets will come and kill our children if we don't beat'em today !"... Do you think I'm inventing those ? Do I need to give you more history books reference ? Or would that be too 'elitist' for you to open a book ?
It's going to take 50 years, but eventually the Arabs will rejoice the day America showed them freedom, and brought them out of the dark ages in to a cultural rennaisance, the light of the 21st Century.5
Yeah ! True ! And a hundred flowers will bloom ! And Islam will get 50 stars on its green flag ! Yeah ! And jihad will turn into football and prayer into ...
Please, don't sound * like this again. Read again what you wrote: you sound like Mao preaching for the Chinese Cultural Revolution, which was opposite of what one can call 'renaissance'. The light of the 21rst century...
I can't understand how your own country's history has not taught you war has never brought any light to the world since 1945.
(I'm secretely imagining an Arab fundamentalist: "Hiya people, my name is Muhammad, I'm an Syrian terrorist, and you know what ? The day Bush nuked Iraq, I saw the light: that was freedom ! Getting bombed is being liberated ! Yes ! So please US, bomb Syria so we can be free too"
Oh yeah and about that Hitler thing - Your Welcome...
What an adequate end to your post. * I could not expect less from you.
Usual Toast Disclaimer (now well known as UTD ):
- I am not pacifist, I am not anti-American, I am not viscerally against George Bush.
- I have nothing personal against habilis or against anyone here in this board.
- I am ready to truncate my own post if asked either by habilis, by mods/admins or by anyone with a good reason. Ideally, I'd like to be warned about parts of my post which do not suit forums rules, so that I can reformulate them instead of seeing them cut out all of a sudden.
This post is somewhat offensive. I'll understand all requests for reformulation. But please mods/admins, ask me instead of just cutting it out ! I'll promise I'll modify it quickly .