I know this topic has been discussed over and over, but isn't it time that Apple puts OS X in the advertising spotlight?
The need for this was brought to my attention when I was hanging out with my girlfriend and her uncle. Her uncle is an Internet banking software developer/manager and obviously very computer-savvy. He sat down to look at my girlfriend's iBook, and although he was amazed at how beautiful the computer was, he was more impressed by how beautiful the OS was. When I proceeded to tell him about the UNIX underpinnings and that my girlfriend hadn't shut down her computer in 3 weeks without a crash he was astonished. He had heard something about "OS 'Ex'", but really knew little about the power.
Well, after all my bragging and showing off, I told him about server edition and Xserve. Now, with his small bank considering new servers, he and his bank are seriously considering OS X Server and Xserve.
Anyway, all I'm saying is that OS X needs some primetime airtime, not just some dude on a white background barely mentioning it. Show the rest of the unknowing computer world the OS we all know and love.
Isn't the upcoming release of Jaguar the ultimate place to start a promotional onslaught?
The need for this was brought to my attention when I was hanging out with my girlfriend and her uncle. Her uncle is an Internet banking software developer/manager and obviously very computer-savvy. He sat down to look at my girlfriend's iBook, and although he was amazed at how beautiful the computer was, he was more impressed by how beautiful the OS was. When I proceeded to tell him about the UNIX underpinnings and that my girlfriend hadn't shut down her computer in 3 weeks without a crash he was astonished. He had heard something about "OS 'Ex'", but really knew little about the power.
Well, after all my bragging and showing off, I told him about server edition and Xserve. Now, with his small bank considering new servers, he and his bank are seriously considering OS X Server and Xserve.
Anyway, all I'm saying is that OS X needs some primetime airtime, not just some dude on a white background barely mentioning it. Show the rest of the unknowing computer world the OS we all know and love.
Isn't the upcoming release of Jaguar the ultimate place to start a promotional onslaught?