Isolating wireless access point from rest of network


Thanks in advance for any help recieved.

i'm a total noobie at mac networking and have a problem. i'm trying to figure out a way to isolate a wireless access point from a network of 17 macs so that the wireless access point can only be used to access the internet and not the rest of the network. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Actually, what you want is what many people end up with by accident if they buy a second router to be their Wireless Access Point. To isolate the wireless part of the network, you need the second, wireless device to be a router (it must have a DHCP server). Then, the wireless computers will get their IP addresses from the second (wireless) router, and their IP addresses will be in a different subnet - that's what isolates them.

Does that help? (Is your WAP actually a router?)
Thanks, that does help. The wireless is just an access point and not a router, was thinking of trying to set it up via the keychain so that people can just access the net and not the rest of the network but that will be totally time consuming (plus i dont really have the knowledge).

Buying a router and doing it that way seems like the best/quickest option for me.

Thanks for your advise.
With a router you can use and should use some form of encryption. Also you can set in the wireless router to filter by MAC address. This will ensure that you are somewhat safe and only the machines YOU want on the network (MAC address screening) will work. There is no way (cheaply) to hide the signal but you will be able to prevent anyone else from using the signal.