Issue with windows xp and Mac

Yes, I know how to connect to a windows PC from Mac, but when I try to connect to the PC it says "Some data could not be read or written" (something like that).

I believe that this is a problem with the windows machine (figures if it is.. what problem dosent windows have?...)
because I can connect to my windows 2000 computer fine.

Any windows experts here?
Have you previously been able to connect these two machines? Are you using XP Pro or XP Home? Is your XP format FAT 32 or NTFS? Are you using an ethernet crossover cable or some other method?

For some reason now today it has started working. The PC now actually recognizes the Mac connecting. :)
(But how long will that last?)
Well, obviously not very long. The PC needed restarting. I restarted it and it stopped working... again. Figures, windows, what more do you expect than the worst?
Windows XP has removed AppleTalk from the protocols that they support, if that helps you at all.

It will only communicat via TCP/IP
King Tut said:
Windows XP has removed AppleTalk from the protocols that they support, if that helps you at all.

It will only communicat via TCP/IP

I'm sure he's using the Windows Sharing option on the Mac side so that the PC will be accessible to/from the Mac.

As for AppleTalk in Windows, Windows 2000 only had AppleTalk for printing purposes, nothing more. Only the server versions of Windows have the AppleTalk option for filesharing and printing.

By any chance, does the account that you are using to access the windows PC (which I believe will be an account resident on the Windows PC for authentication to the Windows PC) have a password? Windows XP doesn't allow blank passwords for authenticating to Windows shares. It's a security feature (yeah, I know...oxymoron, but it's true). If this is the case, give the Windows PC account a password and it might work.
can you be more precise with your problem ?
- can you see the PC from your mac ?
- can you ping it from the network utility panel ?
For every sharing and networking, the first step should be to ping the target. If you can't ping, nothing will work. this helps a lot to see if you have a faulty cable or a wrong IP adressing schema or a firewall in the way.

- at what step do you have an error ?
- you say you can connect to a win2000 PC, do you have all 3 computers on the same network at the same time ? Do you have a DHCP server (probably your router) giving IP addresses to your computers ?

Sorry for these questions but to help you i need a better understaning of your pb ;-)