Issues with MS Word in 10.4


Since upgrading to 10.4 (and 10.41) I have had a problem with the rendering of text upon scrolling down (but not up) through documents in MS Word 2004. The lines are only partially rendered. When I page down instead all is well.

In addition, my documents intermittently open with a blank panel below the horizontal scroll bar. When this appears the document cannot be resized although all of the view functions work fine on the text portion of the window. I have never seen this prior to 10.4 installation. Is this a view that I am unaware of? Why do I see it now and how can I make it go away?

Thanks for any feedback.
I am experiencing the exact same behavior. I am on 10.4.1. I also think it is taking longer to open a file. If all Mac Tiger users were seeing this I think it would be so maddening there would be an enormous outcry... I was wondering if I might have some set up problem but have not been able to dicover anything yet. I am hoping someone out there has ansers.

Just found an answer -- quite word, go into library>preferences>microsoft and delete, restart. The problem went away for me.
Doesn't work for me. This problem has haunted me for years- well before Tiger. I have reinstalled Word, trashed prefs, changed video cards and used other mice. I used to think it was a Wacom problem but it still happens. Any other solutions? The only way to clear it for me is change zoom amount to something different and then back again and work until it happens AGAIN.
Can you give a _little_ more detail about the problem/setup? What version of MS Word are you using _exactly_ on what version of Mac OS X on what type of computer? (Else, all I can say is it works fine on my PowerBook.)
G5 dual 2, 4BG RAM, on OSX 4.3 with Word 11.2. Wacom Intuos 3 tablet with mouse. Happens with both org. apple mouse and wacom when using scroll wheel or moving scroll bar in word. Tends to happen on the second page of scrolling from where ever I'm starting. There is just screen trash of partial lines of text and I can't see where I am until I change views and start again.

It seems to happen consistantly for people or not at all. There are three other people I support that have this problem and trashing prefs doesn't work.