When I attempt to hot-sync my Treo 650 with my mac (OS 10.4.2) via iSync, I get an error message which indicates that iSync does cannot find the datebookDB. I think this is because the Treo has renamed the datebook app "calendar." Consequently, I cannot use my Treo with iCal. I have updated my palm desktop to the latest (allegedly) Tiger-compatible version (4.2.1 revC) but this did not fix the problem. I have pasted the exact error message below. Any suggestions?
- Josh
Loading Apple
Conduit iSync Conduit version 3.0.0
Sync type is Fast
iSync Conduit starting 9/19/05 9:54:24 AM
Warning: couldn't get record 35 for database ToDoDB, skipping the rest of the database 9/19/05 9:54:28 AM
Warning: SyncPurgeDeletedRecs returned 268461072 for database ToDoDB 9/19/05 9:54:28 AM
Warning: SyncResetSyncFlags returned 268461072 for database ToDoDB 9/19/05 9:54:28 AM
Warning: SyncCloseDB returned 268461072 for database ToDoDB 9/19/05 9:54:28 AM
SyncOpenDB returned 268461072 for database DatebookDB, creating a new database 9/19/05 9:54:28 AM
Warning: Could not create database DatebookDB (return code 268461072), ignoring database 9/19/05 9:54:28 AM
iSync Conduit: Got back NULL from rendezvous for request BladeGetAllRecords 9/19/05 9:54:28 AM
iSync Conduit: Sending Error Response 1: iSync Conduit: Could not find database DatebookDB 9/19/05 9:54:28 AM
iSync Conduit: received NULL message, disconnecting... 9/19/05 9:54:28 AM
OK iSync Conduit
HotSync Canceled 9/19/05 9:54:28 AM
- Josh
Loading Apple
Conduit iSync Conduit version 3.0.0
Sync type is Fast
iSync Conduit starting 9/19/05 9:54:24 AM
Warning: couldn't get record 35 for database ToDoDB, skipping the rest of the database 9/19/05 9:54:28 AM
Warning: SyncPurgeDeletedRecs returned 268461072 for database ToDoDB 9/19/05 9:54:28 AM
Warning: SyncResetSyncFlags returned 268461072 for database ToDoDB 9/19/05 9:54:28 AM
Warning: SyncCloseDB returned 268461072 for database ToDoDB 9/19/05 9:54:28 AM
SyncOpenDB returned 268461072 for database DatebookDB, creating a new database 9/19/05 9:54:28 AM
Warning: Could not create database DatebookDB (return code 268461072), ignoring database 9/19/05 9:54:28 AM
iSync Conduit: Got back NULL from rendezvous for request BladeGetAllRecords 9/19/05 9:54:28 AM
iSync Conduit: Sending Error Response 1: iSync Conduit: Could not find database DatebookDB 9/19/05 9:54:28 AM
iSync Conduit: received NULL message, disconnecting... 9/19/05 9:54:28 AM
OK iSync Conduit
HotSync Canceled 9/19/05 9:54:28 AM