iSync Problem


unTitled 1
I've been having this problem since the public beta of iSync. I had hoped that it would have been resolved with the release of version 1, but no such luck.

I think it may have something to do with the fact that I had the developers version of iSync installed. That was actually the only version of iSync that worked for me.

Anyway... here's the error message that I get every time I try to sync with my iPod or .Mac.

I haven't seen that exact error but try

a) Install the new iSync
b) Tell iSync to backup the data
c) Connect to your iMac account
d) sudo rm -rf "[iMac Disk]/Library/Application Support/Sync"
e) rename ~/Library/Application Support/SyncService to something else
e) Attempt resync
I haven't seen that exact error but try

a) Install the new iSync
b) Tell iSync to backup the data
c) Connect to your iMac account
d) sudo rm -rf "[iMac Disk]/Library/Application Support/Sync"
e) rename ~/Library/Application Support/SyncService to something else
e) Attempt resync
I gave that a try but I still got the same error.

what is this line supposed to do:
sudo rm -rf "[iMac Disk]/Library/Application Support/Sync

also I assume that by "iMac Disk" you mean iDisk from .mac.

Do you have any other suggestions or is it possible that I did something wrong?
Sorry I wasn't clearer.

The idea is to remove iSync knowledge from the iDisk's storage. Open the terminal and enter "sudo rm -rf " (remember the space) and drag the iDisk's "Sync" folder onto the terminal window. Hit enter. You will be asked to enter your password.

sudo lets you perform tasks at super user level. rm -rf removes all files within the specified directory.

You may want to unregister your computer with iMac sync first. Theoretically when you sync again, it will act as though your are syncing for the first time to your iMac.

Good Luck
I'll give it a try.

Since my last post I logged in as root and performed a sync. That worked fine (although I didn't really have any content to sync). I may play around with the possibilites this presents, such as using my root sync folder to replace my user sync folder.

Thanks you for the advice... I'll let you know how it works out.

Also if you think of anything else I'd be glad to try it out.