It was worth the wait!!!

I finally got a working stick of 512MB RAM in my iBook G4 800MHz and its performance has tripled. I can't get enough of my iBook :)
I know the feeling. Just yesterday I replaced the 512 stick in my G4, 1Ghz iBook with a 1GB and it feels great even if it's just looking at MenuMeters and seeing 778MB free. :)

Oh, and ElDiablo, I'd love to have that problem with ram and a G5. :p
Looks like it went fine with your new memory, Randman. Actually I had a lot of doubts, but I didn't want to tell you ;) Kidding!
However, ram is something that can't be enough. Trying to imagine how it feels on a maxed out Dual G5 2.5ghz..
benp said:
I finally got a working stick of 512MB RAM in my iBook G4 800MHz and its performance has tripled. I can't get enough of my iBook :)

Do you mean finally got RAM or finally got RAM working? Did you have trouble with a stick that didn't work? What did you get, and where did you get it?

I am looking forward to getting 512 next month. I want to get it at the best price, not high but not so low that I have to waste time and resources on the getting it to work. ;)
Headed for New York next month, and an airport card, wireless router and RAM are on the "must buy" list. In Cairo, brand technology is at a premium. 512 RAM is $220.