I know the feeling. Just yesterday I replaced the 512 stick in my G4, 1Ghz iBook with a 1GB and it feels great even if it's just looking at MenuMeters and seeing 778MB free.
Oh, and ElDiablo, I'd love to have that problem with ram and a G5.
Looks like it went fine with your new memory, Randman. Actually I had a lot of doubts, but I didn't want to tell you Kidding!
However, ram is something that can't be enough. Trying to imagine how it feels on a maxed out Dual G5 2.5ghz..
Do you mean finally got RAM or finally got RAM working? Did you have trouble with a stick that didn't work? What did you get, and where did you get it?
I am looking forward to getting 512 next month. I want to get it at the best price, not high but not so low that I have to waste time and resources on the getting it to work.
Headed for New York next month, and an airport card, wireless router and RAM are on the "must buy" list. In Cairo, brand technology is at a premium. 512 RAM is $220.