iTools Online Mailer


Bring mich zum Licht!
Yesterday I happily read mails from my iTools account on a PC at school.

Today, I try to login, and I get the message:
"Sorry, this iTool is only available on Macintosh".

Yeah, great.
What is up with that? Sorry Apple, but I won't get my school to buy Macintoshs so that I can read my email. That really ****es me off...
Yeah, this is a bad move. When I check my mail via a web.browser I'm not at home. If I'm not at home I'm unlikely to have brought a Mac...this really ruins my entire need for webmail...
No, it's actually a lot easier to just do it in IE, or Netscape or whatever. You see, a cookie gets stored on the PC when you first log in, so when you go back, it brings you to the login screen.... for iTools, not WebMail. So, to combat this, go direct to

I have to do this at school, and it works 100% of the time :D