iTools Signup


Maybe it's transient and will be gone by tomorrow (I can only hope), but for the past couple hours I've been trying to sign up for iTools but have been unable to.

OS X (10.0.3) is running here, IE 5.1...

If I go to iTools and try to sign up, I end up at the download page. So I downloaded and installed, at which point IE goes back to the iTools page, the plugin isn't detected, and it expects me to download the iTools installer again.

Any ideas? I want my iDisk and e-mail, darnit!
Pay attention to your Mac, when it downloads it should put an icon on your desktop(or somewhere else in your system?)
Double-click this and you should be well on your way to an iTools account
Crud. Figured it out. Last night when I launched IE, I never noticed the "preview edition" -- and looking at the iTools signup help, you have to be using the final release that shipped with OS X.1. And Microsoft isn't making it available for download, so no iTools for anyone with 10.0.x. Joy. (Well, I take that back... Netscape would work, but I hate Classic).

Time to call the Chandler Apple Store and see if they have OS X update CDs, otherwise I've got to hurry up and get my up-to-date order mailed to Apple before the end up the month.