IT's coming!


Where's your head at?

More details on Ginger, the alleged scooter at the center of controversy and wild speculation for close to a year, may emerge next week amid a flurry of patent applications from its inventor.

Meanwhile, Dean Kamen, the inventor of the device, has filed for at least four patents in the past three months with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The patents revolve primarily around methods for making a "personal mobility vehicle" that could carry people up stairs or over other irregular surfaces.

Apple Computer CEO Steve Jobs and CEO Jeff Bezos have seen the device, with Jobs going so far as to say it could prompt builders to construct cities around it.

What interests me the most is the Stirling engine (which is spelled about 19 different ways throughout the media.) It's virtually a perpetual motion machine.

A poster on the board here writes that the Stirling engine is based on "hot air" and has the following problems. 1. Takes a long time to "heat up" 2. Has trouble changing speeds quickly up, or down 3. Takes a long time to "shut off"

He believes that if the inventor and his team of scientists have even solved one or two of these problems effectively we could see a whole new mode of transportation.
