It's HERE: iPod

Doubles as a Firewire Hard Disk....

That is cool... although....

$299 - 60GB Fireware Drive (external pocket size)

Well, it's good it has more than 1 use. :)
on apple's site from the link provided by yoyo123 it says, "Transfer a whole CD in less than 10 seconds". Must be firewire only.
From the Apple Store:

<B>"Transfer an ENTIRE CD in less than 10 seconds"</b>

How is it possible to encode an entire CD in 10 seconds? It takes 2 - 3 seconds just to spinup the damn thing.

$400? too much to be really competitive. The Creative Nomad stores 6 gb for $250.

the big screenshots of the screens...

doesn't it look like the return of the older systems (6 and 7) on an old classic black and white monitor!!!:D Cooooollll:p
Just as I thought....

A MP3 junkie friend of mine, doesn't have a Mac... said he would buy one... if it supported USB... he said... "Another Apple product support only Macs".


Yeah it's cool .. but hell no am I gonna drop 400 bones on this thing. Maybe $200 if I were in the market for one ...
doesn't it seem expensive $399.99 for a mp3 player...

Another mac product price out of the mainsteam..

I am a total mac addict since my first Mac Plus, I upgrade almost every year... and I feel that it is expensive...

Hmmm unless reprice shortly it won't do much for apple

I guess you all have to rethink. 400$ might seem too much. But this is really the high end thing. It's all I ever wanted in a MP3 player. Handling the lists in iTunes is great. The display is great. The size of the device is *much* better than any of the harddrive based players Creative Labs has put out. The design is perfect. I love it. I'll buy one. Period.
There will be a market for this product. No other MP3 player does half of what this one does as far as integration with the Mac and certainly none of them are Firewire nor can they *act as a hard drive*.

The product has it's place. Just not in my pocket. $299 maybe. $199, I would have ordered it already.

If you can sell a complete iMac brand new for $499 (in NY/DC) you can sell this thing for $199. Of course you won't make as much per unit, but your unit sales go through the roof.
I’m not impressed at all, I was hoping for something breakthrough but we get an MP3 player that costs more money and less space then the Creative Nomad (closest equivalent I could find).

Has Apple lost its touch?

. Allen Goodman
I'm still disappointed, but in the end this is what Apple needs. I have no need for an MP3 player, so it's completely useless to me. But it does look like Apple's got simplicity itself with this thing, which is what is needed to boost PCs in general, but Macs in particular.

As for Apple limiting the connection to the FireWire, honestly, why are people upset about this? If you are here, you probably have MacOS X. If you have MacOS X, you have a relatively recent Mac. If you have a relatively recent Mac, you probably have FireWire (that's too many probably's for my liking, but I still think a majority of the people here have FireWire). The point is, most of the people here can use it. Maybe a PC couldn't, but if someone has a PC without FireWire, they're a lot less likely to go out and get a top of the line MP3 player, anyway.

To bad it's called "iPod", though. Wait a minute...does this mean there'll be a PowerPod?
To my knowledge Apple was trying to accomplish a few goals with this whole ‘digital hub’ idea . . .

First off they want products that anyone could use (both PC and Macintosh) but the device would be limited to PC users and Macintosh users would get the edge, this causing PC users to look more closely at switching over to the Macintosh platform.

My thoughts? Most PC users don’t even have Firewire unless they are doing high-end work (video editing and so on) . . . So what market is there besides Macintosh fans and those few high-end PC users?

And second they want products that will be breakthrough and will get consumers interested, I will agree that MP3 players were groundbreaking, but that was 3 years ago . . . I don’t see an overpriced MP3 player is going to attract any consumer to look more closely at the Macintosh platform . . .

Eh, this is a silly rant, sorry.

. Allen Goodman
I leave for a couple of hours to go to german class and this piece of shite comes out ?? :P

This is a disgrace to apple... Boooooooo ;)
