iTunes 2.0.3!!


Unofficial Mac Genius
Woohoo! iTunes 2.0.3 update available for Mac OS X users through the Software Update pane, and for OS 9 users at Apple's web page. 2 things I REALLY like about this update:

1. You can now have auto-synching even while choosing which songs to autosynch. You know the little checkboxes in the music library? Now, if you have certain songs unchecked (and this feature turned on -- just go to iPod prefs -- the little button next to the equalizer when you have the iPod selected in the source list), they will not be transferred to your iPod, even if you have auto-synching selected! I sent Apple a feedback telling them to do this, and I guess they listened (or thought of it themselves :rolleyes: )! Very handy feature!

2. When you press the green maximize button, the contents of the iTunes window appear MUCH more quickly. Kudos to Apple on this minor update, because it's a good one!

iTunes 2.0.3 has support for more international languages including simplified and traditional chinese!
This is probably playing with fire, and way more hassle than it's worth and all, but - I looked at the new iTunes, and thought '26 Megs for an mp3 player? that's ridiculous'.

I had a look at the package contents, and each language accounts for slightly over 1 MB of disk space. So, I trashed all the languages I wouldn't need, and it's down to an only slightly bloated 9 MB... I guess Apple assumes disk is cheap, and what the heck are Mac users going to use disk space for anyway?
First of all why should I have to reboot for an iTunes update? Secondly I've noticed other things that are odd. I went to rename a file and changed the filename extension and it asked me if I was sure I wanted to do that. Before the update it never asked me that before I installed itunes.

I went to the finder preferences and checked "Always show file extensions" and it stopped asking me if I really wanted to change file extensions every time I renamed a file.

Has anyone else noticed anything else that the iTunes install changed. Non iTunes things especially.

The reason for the reboot is it updated the iPod driver kernel extension (/System/Library/Extensions/iPodDriver.kext).

lsbom /Library/Receipts/iTunes2.pkg/Contents/Resources/ if you want to see every file it installed; everything but the iPod driver went into /Applications/

One thing it definitely fixed is the screen saver/monitor energy saver problem; these now kick in if iTunes is playing.
yeah i've noticed that scroll speed in explorer is faster, and other parts of the system seem little bit quicker too!!

weird stuff
That would be due to the prebinding it performs at the end of the install. You can prebind yourself at anytime on command line or use Xoptimizer available at
Originally posted by Chris
Unfortunately it broke iTunes Tool 1.4.2 but this will hopefully be fixed in an update in the near future.

Ever since I downloaded iTunes 2.0.3 I've been having the weirdest pain-in-the-ass problem: iTunes keeps creating these damn "iTunes Temp" files ("iTunes Temp", "iTunes Temp 1", "iTunes Temp 2", . . . "iTunes Temp 98") every time I load iTunes. Coincidentally, these mysterious Temp files (one created each time I load the app) are the *EXACT* same size as my "iTunes Music Library (2)" file. One time, I tried deleting this file and renaming one of the Temp files iTunes Music Library (2) and--wadda ya know--it still shows my library! So, for some reason iTunes now keeps creating this Music Library file in the form of a Temp File over and over (it's 2.1 MB so the folder gets bloated in no time and I have to keep dumping them). What the f@#k?? Help me Obe-Won, you're my only hope!

As for that third-party mini app, "iTunes Tool", I recently noticed that when its running I CANNOT quit iTunes; it just keeps re-loading iTunes if I quit. If I quit "iTunes Tool" then I CAN quit iTunes. So, I no longer use iTunes Tool but maybe it has some invisible critter file running in the background. Any ideas?? help! Could this be causing my strange problem. Am I alone in this freak phenomenon??
Hmm. Now that you mention it, GadgetLover, I noticed that my mom's iBook had created a couple temp iTunes libraries too, but not to that extent. She also only has iTunes 2.0.2. And.... HOLY SHIT my computer's doing it too. I just looked and I had 143 temp files. Hmm. I guess you AREN'T alone. :p

Luckily my iTunes library file is only 260 something K, but times 143 is quite a lot of disk space. I'll see if I can find a fix.
Originally posted by simX
Hmm. Now that you mention it, GadgetLover, I noticed that my mom's iBook had created a couple temp iTunes libraries too, but not to that extent. She also only has iTunes 2.0.2. And.... HOLY SHIT my computer's doing it too. I just looked and I had 143 temp files. Hmm. I guess you AREN'T alone. :p

Luckily my iTunes library file is only 260 something K, but times 143 is quite a lot of disk space. I'll see if I can find a fix.

Thanks! Any help would be appreciated. While it still sucks, it's nice to know that I'm not the only one with problems -- sorry that it's happening to you too, though, Sim. Let's lick this thing together.....
i have had the same recurring problem. itunes keeps making these darn temp files [although mine are not too big]. how do we keep this from happenning?
When I had the problem, I did not have a file in my "iTunes" folder (the one that's annoyingly placed in your documents folder) that was named "iTunes Music Library", but there was one named "iTunes Music Library (2)". I renamed that file to "iTunes Music Library", and so far all that's been created is a new "iTunes Music Library (2)". No temp files yet (crossing my fingers -- it's only been 2 days)!
switching gears a little bit....

I just noticed that I can change the volume, play, pause, jump to the next and previous tracks in iTunes 2.0.3 without bringing iTunes to the foreground! :D
... I noticed that too. I thought that might have been there from previous iterations though -- I guess not. :) iTunes 2.0.3 is a welcome upgrade.
SimX, I liked your idea. Thought it might work.... nope. Damn! I thought I was so close. Thanks for trying, though. Try loading and quitting iTunes a couple of times and see if it generates any more Temp Files. Mine did. It did create a new Library (2) but ALSO those damn Temp Files. Oh well, back to the drawing board . . .
Originally posted by simX
Seems to have worked for me.... no new temp files yet.

Just out of curiousity, have you ever changed any of the owner/user 'permissions' associated with your iTunes folder so that others can access your tunes (such as your mother, for example) (either the folder in Documents or your Preferences)? I am trying to figure out why some people seem to have this problem and others don't. Apparently quite a few people appear to be having the same problem. I don't know if it is a 2.0.3 problem or not -- I never noticed until the other day so can't rule anything out. I know that iTunes creates Temp files all the time but why they are visible or do not delete themselves when I quit iTunes is a mystery.