iTunes 3 and OpenGL... how?


U.S.D.A. Prime
So I was thinking that iTunes 3 automatically takes care of OpenGL and uses it if it can -- if not, then it won't. I think I am mistaken.

On today's page of there is mention, in the first headline, that iTunes 3, somewhere, buried deep within it's menus, has a checkbox to "use OpenGL."

I can't find it! WHERE?!
Open iTunes 3. Turn on the visualizer (not full screen). In the upper-right corner of the iTunes window there is a button called "Options" in the place of the "Burn CD" or "Browse" buttons in playlists and the library, respectively.

Click that, and then you can click "Use OpenGL".
Ah, thank you!

Unfortunately, I'm having the same problem that the others on have described -- my "Use OpenGL" option keeps turning itself off.

I know I have a card that supports openGL (Radeon 7000 PCI) -- so perhaps it is a bug with iTunes 3, or is not yet implemented fully...
Ok, researched and fiddled a little more and came up with some interesting results.

I have a dual-display setup -- Apple 17" Studio Display CRT VGA on a Radeon 7000 PCI (66MHz slot) and an Envision 17" on the stock Rage 128 (33MHz slot). If I move the iTunes window completely onto the Radeon 7000 monitor, I can turn on "Use OpenGL" and it'll stay on. If I leave it that way and move it back to the Rage 128 monitor, it stays on. If I turn it off and try to turn it on again with the iTunes window completely on the Rage 128 monitor, it won't stay on.

Perhaps the OpenGL features only work with certain cards? I could have sworn that my Rage 128 had OpenGL support! This is the conclusion I'm at so far.

I also don't notice much difference in using OpenGL vs. not using OpenGL -- maybe one or two FPS higher, but that's it -- quality is the same, visuals are the same.