iTunes 3 crazy preformance boost

deagle five o

iTunes 2 would give me something like 20-30 fps in visual mode full screen. I'm getting something like 40-60 now in full screen. Anyone else seen this?
it is because now they you "OpenGL" in visuals! but i got 22-30fps compare to what i got 12-18fps on my PowerBook G4 667 (VGA).
yea, iTunes3 vis is a LOT more smooth..
BUT it still pauses between songs ( annoying) AND full screen, it lost its neat fade effect ( fade on, fade out )

hope they fix... ;) still cool
I hate the pause. Its not a problem with some mp3's but when I play my rips of albums that are supposed to sound like they are one long song its annoying.

Its also annoying on live albums like Pantera's 101 Proof, as he is talking at the end of one track to the begining of the next, so there is a pause in his speech.
no no.. I have great song play-back.. seamless, no drop-outs..( i LOVE the fade-between very nice...)

I mean the visualizer "hick-ups" between songs.. it stops for 1-2 sec while the song transitions.. it should be smooth...
Originally posted by AJaX
Use that join track command to make it one continuous song..should would fine

... but that makes it one track. i don't want to do that! i want to listen to multiple tracks without interruptions between them. i've got several mixed cds that i don't rip because of this track hiccup.
Any ideas why I cant set iTunes 3 to use openGL in its visualizer? I have a PowerMac G4 Gigabit Ethernet with a Rage 128, and i m using itunes built in visualizer...

thanks in advance!
On "faster but rougher" I usually got about 14-17 FPS.

With iTunes 3, I'm sitting at between 60–70.


Using the B&W machine specs below ... I'm astonished....
Is there a secret to getting these speed boosts? My frame rates are still pretty low on my iBook 500mhz. Any ideas?
I agree, my frame rates are also quite measly on my iMac 600 (see below). I mean, 9-12 fps is pretty pathetic! Not that I care about the visuals that much, but its nice to be able to keep up!;)
Isn't OpenGL performance dependant on Video card? Running on a GeForce2 MX here. My iMac at home stuggles to run at 20 fps :rolleyes:

Need to get a cheap monitor for the Cube I acquired the other day.