itunes 4.0.1


official breaker of macs.
this updates gets rid of internet file sharing... booooo. :(

it also fixes some other bugs that i didn't even know about.
well... i'm glad i didn't ever try that feature and got addicted to it. updates are still cool. yay, better performance, they say.
Originally posted by boi
this updates gets rid of internet file sharing... booooo. :(

it also fixes some other bugs that i didn't even know about.

Just to clarify, it removes the ability to share with those that are not on the same subnet as you are. So theortically you could still share amongst those with the same ISP. And there's probably some tweaking you could do at the tcp/ip level to make it happen as well.
Now it says it gets rid of the option in iTunes, but that doesnt necessarily mean that the streamripper type applications wont work. The computer still needs to send out the information to the local networks (subnets), so that means that the protocol is still the same, just iTunes can't access it from distant sources (I asume iTunes will be able to "see" any librarys through rendevouz or on the same IP). If you are using the sharing feature as a P2P with a third party program, I dont believe you would be effected. I'm not positive about this however... Maybe someone can check?
Sucks. I'm not updating 'til they gimme back my Internet sharing. Bugs be damned, I haven't noticed any.
I bet Apple just tells you that it fixes bugs just so you'll install it to get rid of the net sharing feature. ;)

Well.... I never used it accross the internet.... so I dunno how much I care.
I think it is meant to fix the bug in iTunes 4.0 to occasionally get hung up while accessing the music store...I'm not sure anyone else has experienced it, but sometimes it took a while for it to access. It seems to load albums/artist pages faster now. God help me when my credit card bills come in. I should have known Apple would bankrupt me someday haha... ;)
Yeesh, i thought everyone had seen that.

type: daap://

do not hit return.

drag the blue globe next to the url into the bookmarks bar, then go into the bookmarks window and put it wherever you want. Double click to open.
I can't test this out, but I'd imagine that you could do some type of NAT w/ your Internet router to allow folks to connect from other subnets via NAT. The local subnet of the NAT'd address would be on the "local subnet" and you could connect from anywhere.