iTunes 4.1 Bug Thread


Any one experiencing any bugs with iTunes 4.1?

I have a Blue & White G3, Jaguar 10.2.6, Quicktime 6.3, and an iTunes library spread across two hard drives (one Ultra SCSI, the other Ultra ATA/66). My iTunes library consists entirely of either MP3 (320Kbits/sec, stereo) or MP2 (320Kbits/sec, stereo). I just started using AAC (320Kbits/sec, stereo) as the import settings.

At some point everytime I play iTunes, the music will just stop playing/cut out, but the progress point/square indicating time through the song keeps moving. If I click the stop button and click play again, the song starts playing again. If the sound spectral display (little vertical bars moving up and down for certain frequancy ranges) is displayed and the song stops playing/cuts out, these bars continue to move as though the song was still playing. Clicking stop and play again allows the song to be heard again.

Also, I found accidentally that if I click "burn" when the CD burner is not hooked up to the computer and I get the error message that the CD burner is not attached or not working, clicking the "X" to cancel results in iTunes quitting unexpectedly.
Are you using, perchance, USB speakers? Have you tried unhooking any speakers hooked up to your computer and tried playing songs through the internal speaker? This could help determine whether its your speakers or the system itself...
No USB speakers here, right out of the LINE OUT port on back of the computer. I suspected that too, but as soon as I touch the keyboard or click the mouse on iTunes, the sound comes through again. Clicking in the Finder results in no response.
Shouldn't you have Quicktime 6.4? I thought that was what apple required to run itunes, and you needed it before you installed the app. If you haven't yet, software update and get QT 6.4 - otherwise I guess you just mistyped it!
Well I am still getting a bug that I got when I upgraded to 10.2.8. The visualizer stutters and locks up whenever I turn it on. I have found that if I turn off "Use OpenGL" that it will run smoothly, but then of course it looks like crap...
I read the "Read Me" file and the requirements and I think I'm OK with QuickTime 6.3. I've just never seen so many problems with one particular program from Apple. They usually do an excellent job with their software. I hope some of the Borg Code didn't make it into the Macintosh version of iTunes, such as the Random Crash Routine.
Are you sure your hard drives aren't spinning down to sleep? Could be that iTunes is trying to access one and waiting for the drive to spin up.