iTunes 4.8 is coming soon

Good find mate. I hadn't seen that. Hoewever it does read:
SOMETIME in the next few weeks, Apple Computer will finally unveil the local version of its hugely successful iTunes website.

That'll be cool.
I hope they implement seamless track changes in the next update. Listening to mixes just ain't good in iTunes!
owaters said:
I hope they implement seamless track changes in the next update. Listening to mixes just ain't good in iTunes!
like full track buffering? yes

and a new visualiser - fully core image. as good as the new screensavers.

better support for images/artwork (auto internet grabbing for the whole album of the current song)
I'd like to see the option to put the visualizer on full-screen on a second monitor!! Doesn't work with 4.7.1