iTunes 4: Coming Soon?


Yeah, Androo.
On april 3, said this:
As Apple gets nearer to the release of its online music service, one key factor in its "[g]rand opening" is the new version of iTunes that will support and control the downloading of music from said service. The good news is that a new build was seeded and it's approaching final candidate status -- possibly by mid-month.

An April release of iTunes (as well as iPhoto) had been rumored.

So then it should be announced soon, and it was already seeded.
I was initially thinking that it would be released on the 28th along with the music service and new iPods. But I don't know about that. They might have some other way of doing it.
does anyone else get antsy about this stuff? does anyone get this antsy about other companies? i guess that's the wonder of the computer industry-- new stuff 2 or 3 times a year! (or more!)
Originally posted by boi
does anyone else get antsy about this stuff? does anyone get this antsy about other companies? i guess that's the wonder of the computer industry-- new stuff 2 or 3 times a year! (or more!)

I think the way people react to news and rumors about Apple is quite an anomoly in the business world. Apple is often referred to having a "cult" following. There are few companies with a similar following.

About a year or two ago Fortune did an article on companies with "cult" followings. The Mazada Miata was one of the other products mentioned. (I can't see why personally, what an ugly, small car). However, no other company has such a large "cult" following as Apple.

We are just special I guess! :)

And to clarify, we are difinitely a cult. We even have the nice little Apple sticker we can put on our cars to identify us to each other.

And we are much more organized than any other product following.
Man tomorrow is gonna be a big release day. music service + itunes + ipod at least ! i can't wait... does anyone know if the keynote is gonna be rebroadcast anywhere?
As far as broadcast, doesn't TechTV broadcast this stuff? (I wouldn't know. Don't get it yet).
lol... yea i just noticed like 30 min ago too spitty....
Lol i look the new look.... it look EXACTLY like when i downloaded a hack that made the interface look better called ifix....
hmmm.... annoying problem (bug?). When you drag in the album art, it only assigns it for that song, not for the entire album. You have to do each song manually... ANNOYING! Thats my only problem.