iTunes 4!


Universal Traveler
They're saying that iTunes 4 might come out around early next year and is supposed to include something with Rendezvou and, my personal favorite, new "smart" visualisations! (And we all know how trippy and sweet iTunes visuals are :D) So is this true? Moreover, what is the Rendezvou thing about?
For me that is old news, I think the said there would be an udate in the release of jaguar conference, And the rendevouz thing is that you can play your brothers songs over the network without copy his songs to your , so when connected in a LAN you get all the other playlists.
Something I won't forget is some dude talking about what he missed most about vinyl wasn't the sound--he missed going to the record shop and flipping through all the record sleeves and reading the liner notes on the back. He really would look at the graphics and sometimes he would buy an album if the cover was cool enough.

have we met somewhere before and i just don't remember it? at my age(!) that would be easy to do. :D

but i admit it sometimes can be a toss up. CD booklets seem to offer an easier way to present more liner notes and more graphics and more 'stuff' when the label is willing to invest in it. but the size of the graphics just doesn't do the art justice - especially on some of those older albums whose covers were very much part of the marketing. all those old Yes albums are a great example.

oh well times change. but i like the idea of downloadable music with great downloadable art to go with it. BIG art! screensaver size at least.
Originally posted by MacLuv
yawn... oh... oops...
Something I started doing with all my albums ripped into MP3 on OS9 was replacing the icon with the album cover. I'd find a picture already scanned at amazon or Tower or B&N and just copy and paste it into the finder. They all just seemed to fit into a 32x32 space as well. It would be nice if record companies started issuing the record album covers as downloads at the very least...
In Windows XP the media player downloads a picture of the album you are ripping when it gets the names of album and songs.

I don't know if the picture comes of a Microsoft specific server, but I think not. So it can't be that difficult to get that into iTunes as well.
Siberian Kathru is one of the best tracks I ever heard.

iTunes 4 ? Simple Rendez-Vous feature would push to 3.5 IMHO. I hope they'll be more to iTunes 4 than just RendezVous and visualizations... such as a GNUplugin ;).
There won't be a 3.5 for sure. iTunes will go to version 4, and it will include the following things:

• Smart Visualisations
• Rendezvous Local Network Streaming
• AAC (MPEG-4) Support (along with iPod update)
• Improved Smart Playlists

Apple plans to have the update ready with the iPod announcement at MWSF. Also, it will be Mac OS X only, of course, as all OS 9 development has died about now.
yep, i use amazon, too. it would be nice if itunes 4 would pull the cd cover from amazon and automatically make it the icon for the cd in your music library. i do this manually now, but it would be cool if itunes did it automatically, and had the option to display the album cover from within itunes.

an example of how i use album covers is attached.


  • picture 1.jpg
    picture 1.jpg
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If you could have the covers show up on iPod as it pays a song, that would be really cool. Pointless but cool.

Man, I can't wait until AAC support comes to the iPod. I have a 10 gig, but my collection (on my new laptop :D) is almost 20 gigs. Even though I could not (or would not) listen to it all, I'd really like to have it all (or a very large portion of it) with me.

That'd be *sweet*.

MWSF can't come soon enough.
Originally posted by macfreak88
... And the rendevouz thing is that you can play your brothers songs over the network without copy his songs to your [HD], so when connected in a LAN you get all the other playlists.

A program called "Audio Hijack" can steal audio from any application playing sound and save it as an AIFF file. I have used this and it works very well. Though I don't think using it to steal MP3 is particularly wise since AIFF files are huge, it is useful for getting sounds from some programs. I used it to get that yodelling man singing "Yahoo" from Yahoo Mssenger.
Originally posted by Tigger
In Windows XP the media player downloads a picture of the album you are ripping when it gets the names of album and songs.



i am finding, moving Souly to Mac OS X, harder and harder, i think i am gonna miss Windows ALOT :mad:

Originally posted by boi
yep, i use amazon, too. it would be nice if itunes 4 would pull the cd cover from amazon and automatically make it the icon for the cd in your music library. i do this manually now, but it would be cool if itunes did it automatically, and had the option to display the album cover from within itunes.

an example of how i use album covers is attached.

I've been doing this as well. I've found that Pic2Icon (free!) does a great job of creating nice looking icons for image files. You can control the level of anti-aliasing (for those sweet 128x128 icons) and even add drop-shadows. Check it out!

An example:

P.S.- No, I don't work for or know the people that make Pic2Icon and yes I bought both of those CDs. ;)
Originally posted by chemistry_geek
A program called "Audio Hijack" can steal audio from any application playing sound and save it as an AIFF file. I have used this and it works very well. Though I don't think using it to steal MP3 is particularly wise since AIFF files are huge, it is useful for getting sounds from some programs. I used it to get that yodelling man singing "Yahoo" from Yahoo Mssenger.
I LOVE Audio Hijack! It let me rip "School of Hard Knocks" from my Little Nicky DVD, and get a cool sound effect from a Super Nintendo game called "Zombies Ate My Neighbors." It has so many potential uses, even for iTunes => Echo + Reverb = all music sounds live!
Is that Windows screenshot from Longhorn or XP? I haven't seen that in XP, but i try not to use it except for Mafia or Battlefield 1942. Just curious.
T-Ray, its Xp, with a KDE Crystalised theme, taskbar Right hand side. The Media Player is of the very first M$ Powertoys, i think it was called mxxcon, and isn't apart of WMP! I can have a hunt for it if you want, although the taskbar docking of WMP does simular stuff, but no album art previews.


EDIT : WMP9 Beta ... it runs real nice :D