iTunes and Printing


Having just finished putting a fairly large CD collection into iTunes (as MP3s of course) I don't see any obvious way to print an artist list, album list, albums by artist, etc. Is this just a goofy wish of mine, or is it something others might like, too? And, has someone else already thought of it?

This is one of those times I wish I were a programmer or that someone who is one would write something really cool... or maybe already has? Would it be very hard for someone with the right know-how to write a program that could "mine" the information in one's iTunes library and make it printable in at least a few different ways? Like I said, it'd be really nice to be able to print out a list of all my albums by artist, and like that.

Anyone know of such a program already written, or of someone who might like to write one? Actually, I think it's one of those things Apple should include with iTunes, and maybe I'm just not savvy enough to have found it. If that's the case, will someone please clue me in?

Happy tuning, everyone!:)
Or... you could use the "Export Song List" function under the "File" menu, import that into Excel or AppleWorks, and format/organize as you wish. It's worked wonders for me.
You can also select the songs you want on the list, copy, and paste them into excel or something along those lines.. then happy formatting