iTunes and video podcasts


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
I love the possibilité to load video podcasts in iTunes, but I am coming in a problem: disk size !

My good old iMac 1GHz has 75 GB HD and iPhoto and iTunes insist saving data on the main HD. And we are several users on the same machine we are coming to a disk size problem !

Apple should add a simple option to put iTunes and iPhoto data on an external HD.
There's an option in iTunes to set a different media folder. I keep all of mine on an external disk. It's in the Advanced section of the Preferences dialog. It will then copy the data to the new location that you specify, if you selected the option that copies media automatically to your iTunes folder, and you can then delete your media off the main hard drive.

I don't know if iPhoto has such an option though as I've never used it.
Yep -- iTunes does indeed allow you to store your music anywhere you like. Simply choose a new "iTunes Music folder location" in the Preferences, under Advanced > General.

iPhoto also will allow you to do this, but there's not an option for it in the preferences. What I did was to simply move the "iPhoto Library" folder to another disk, then made an alias of that folder and placed it in the original location (~/Pictures). Seems to work just fine for me.
Thanks guys. You have answered a question I haven't asked yet and was beginning to wonder how I was going to solve. All I need now is a handy very portable external drive ......... about the size of an ipod.
I think fpayne was being sarcastic. It should be possible to actually use the _iPod_ for this task - without having the media anywhere else. The way Apple uses it, you have to _always_ have everything double - and you can't make use of an iPod 60 GB unless you have 60 GB _free_ on your computer's drive for songs, photos and videos.
Actually I was being serious. I have a 60GB video ipod, which by the time I have finished loading all my CDs on will be nearly full. I have a G4 powerbook with a 120GB drive and means half is taken up by itunes, which I don't want. If I delete the music from the hard drive the next time it syncs it will wipe the ipod. Hene I was so pleased to hear of the external drive option.
The whole idea of the ipod is becuase I move round a lot and like to take the music with me. I have an external drive in a caddy, but it is the about the same size as the mother in laws handbag. The ipod would be great if it was not full of music :-). So what I want is a 120gb portable firewire drive about the same size and half the price of an ipod so it fits in my pocket and will not compromise my baggage allowance. So far, DataStor looks favourite
Thanks to all of you out there who help us.
I've heard of people hacking the iPod to store music on it without iTunes deleting it. I'm not sure about the legality of that though.
Well, you can of course delete the songs off your computer and just not synch the iPod any further. Then you have that. But then you can't really add songs. You can use a 3rd party tool to later extract the songs from the iPod to the computer (losing playlists while at it, though). But you don't want to do that too often, since it takes quite a while if we're talking a couple of GB.
The problem is not yet in my iPod: I have no iPod (all my children have, I don't). It's just in my iMac.

But let's face it, new iMac or Mac mini or iBooks or ??? will probably be announced within a few days... so let's wait.
Yeah, probably, they'll one day sell a Mac mini as an extension to your iPod. "It can handle all the music your iPod can take, and you can still use your other Mac as a, well, Mac." ;)

Of course, I guess Apple themselves think you're either going to have a Mac with more space than your iPod (which, if you buy your iPod _before_ buying a new Mac, is probably true...) or you're going to use an external drive for it - or rather, you're not going to use all the iPod's space, anyway.
I saw this rumour somewhere a couple of weeks ago about Mac mini evolving into some kind of home media center type device, and also syncs through your .mac account to access movies that will inturn stream/preload into your Mac mini and then play on your TV. And also that the video data would never acctually reside on your computer, but be loaded onto your iPod.

I like the idea because it creates a movie hire type system for movies thus removing the movie store down the road out of the equation. this would also reduce late fees and taking the trip to the video store.

Also for Apple Computer, it creates more .mac members, opens the current online music downlod market to video, compliments the use of iPod video, makes microsoft gelous and of course gives the average joe at home more of a reason to have a Mac with Mac OS X right in their living room.

you don't need a link for iphoto. just quit it, move the iphoto lib to a new location, then launch iphoto. it will ask if you want to find the lib, or make a new one. point it to the new location and there you go, iphoto's lib is on a external hd.
As mentioned in the previous posting. It looks like we are one step closer! According to .mac is set to have a major update on the 10th. Could have somthing to do with this iWeb app too???