iTunes - Authoring support not found


I have a 450Mhz iMac with 320MB of ram. I had to do a "clean" reinstall my system 9.1 and in the process i "lost" some extensions. Unfortunately i'm not sure which extensions were lost. Now when i try to burn a CD with iTunes 2.2 and my Que!Fire burner, i get an "Authoring Support not found..." message and iTunes quits.

Suggestions please, as long as they don't include an upgrade to 9.2. When i installed 9.2 everything worked fine except i was unable to drag and drop any files whatsoever, and couldn't which, if any, preference(s) i needed to change.


try getting a demo of conflict catcher. run a 'sytem merge' or something like that. this will put all your old 'extra' extensions back where they belong. of course this only works if you still have the original system somewhere. you also might try going to and getting the correct drivers for your que.

or you may just need the latest authoring support update. use software update to findout.