iTunes automatic file organization


I have iTunes set to "Keep iTunes Music folder organized," which, according to the description of this checkbox, should place files into album and artist folders.

However, when I import a new song into iTunes by double-clicking on the song file, the song plays but the file remains right where it is.

iTunes is on the Macintosh HD (built-in hard-drive) and my iTunes collection is on a Western Digital MyBook.

Is there a reason the song files aren't going into the appropriate folders?

If you want iTunes to add that song to the Library folder, you need to also select the checkbox below that says, "Copy files to iTunes Music Folder when adding to library"
What do you mean by "the file remains right where it is?"

I suspect that at some time you fired up iTunes without the external
plugged in and turned on beforehand. If iTunes doesn't see that drive,
it defaults to creating an iTunes library in ~/music/itunes.

And you need both boxes checked in iTunes/Prefs/General. If you
don't check "copy new songs to the iTunes Music folder," they won't
go there. I don't know whre they go.

If you have done what I surmise, the fix is easy. In the main iTunes
window, go to the Advanced tab. Select "consolidte library." The
library in ~/music/itunes will be joined with your main library.
Then delete the library in ~/music/itunes.
What he means is that when you double-click a songfile in the Finder, it is not _removed_ from its original location (which is a good thing and intended behaviour). What iTunes does is: It copies the file to its library (if what majormunky suggested is selected), but leaves the original alone. Select the song in iTunes and hit Cmd-R to reveal the file in the Finder. You should see the file correctly filed in iTunes' library, if "copy files..." is indeed ticked in iTunes' preferences. So you can then safely remove the original from its location and let iTunes handle its copy.