iTunes crashes immediately after opening


hope someone can help
running macosx and when i click on itunes, it opens for about 2 seconds then crashes. any ideas

Try deleting the iTunes preference file in /Users/<you>/Library/Preferences/ - should be called '' (and try other preferences files that have 'iTunes' in them too)
Which operating system are you using? Which version of iTunes? I recall there was an issue with Panther.
OK, unfortunately it's not the Panther issue but at least someone else might have a chance of helping you, armed with the full information. If you think of anything else, please DO mention it.
Recently bought my Dad a G4 iMac and installed Tiger on it, moved all his data and folders from his old G3 iMac to the new machine and I suffered the same problem you are experiencing. This was also happening to a lesser extent in iPhoto with no actual photos being displayed - just shadows of photos. I updated the Quicktime application whilst I was trying to get the machine up and running and "BINGO" both iTunes and iPhoto started behaving! A long shot but I think simply updating all applications to the most recent updates had an effect. Good Luck!