iTunes duplicating songs ...


Barking at the moon.
I opened up iTunes 2 this morning and for the CDs I ripped, it's duplicated all of the songs. As in, I ripped a 311 CD and now there are 2 off all the songs from that CD. When I play one song, a little grey ! appears next to it's duplicate, anyone know how I can get rid of these w/o have to drag each one to the trash?

I wouldn't mind just clearing the iTunes library and letting it search my hard disk for the songs all over again .. but I'm not sure how I would go about doing that.
Easy. All you have to do is quit iTunes, then go to /Users/<yourusername>/Documents/iTunes. There, you will find a file called "iTunes Music Library". I've sometimes seen multiple copies with a "[2]" suffix, but whatever, just drag the file to the trash, restart iTunes, and you should have a nice clean iTunes window ready to be reloaded with your tunes.

Of course, if you've moved your iTunes library location in preferences, you'll need to go there.. As to why it duplicated the tunes? The only time I've seen this is if I move tracks that I've ripped from one volume to another and then re-added them. That doesn't sound like what you've done here, so I don't know.

Good Luck!