itunes - editing tags of songs problem


ok, i just transferred all my music from my desktop to my new(ish) ibook. i unchecked the 'let itunes keep all my music organised' or whatever it is (as i wanted to have all the songs in a list in finder).

when i go into itunes and go to get info -> info and then change the name and the artist, it all seems to work fine.
however when i play that song, (or any other one i've edited) it reverts back to the old track and artist names!
e.g. if i'd changed a song from 'track 04' to the name of the song it reverts back to 'track 04'

surely this is not supposed to happen, right?

also, lots of my files are untagged. which program (e.g. tagscanner etc.) would you recommend for me to tag those files without_it_changing_the_filename_according_to_the_tags?

thanks for any help

edit: i am using mac osx 10.4.4 and itunes version 6.0.2 in case that is helpful.
It sounds like iTunes can't edit the files. Could be a permissions thing. Get Info on your music folder in the Finder, and make sure the permissions look something like this:

Owner: your_user_name
Access: Read/write

Group: your_user_name
Access: Read only

Others: Read only

And then click the "Appky to enclosed items" button. You might also want to try repairing disk permissions in Disk Utility (always a good idea).

As for un-tagged files, I would think iTunes would add tags automatically, but have you tried choosing "Convert ID3 Tags" from the Advanced menu before editing them?
In my case, I had made an album of songs with tags identifying them as being from different albums. Opening a song in iTunes results in the song being copied to and played from the itunes Library. The Tags can be set in iTunes, but it only changes the Tag of the copied song...not the one it copied from. The pro version of Audion is now made available as a freebee since development work and support of Audion was stopped..I followed instructions and downloaded the pro version and was promptly sent a RegCode.
It lets you play and set tags on songs where-ever they happen to be located. I have never figured out how to play songs in iTunes without iTunes first copying it to its library.
