iTunes error (pics)

I'm with SatCure. I couldn't make hide nor hair of those
thumnails even when expanded.

Are you saying your iTunes "art" entries are corrupted? I saw
a post about that recently, and the only suggestion was to replace
the art from backup. Or from Advanced/GetAlbumArtwork if you can.

Maybe one of Doug's Scripts will help:
Looks like one of them will "no art" your munged entries so you can
start over.
It's gone when I reboot iTunes. But it always comes back. My album art is fine, it's just the "columns bar" that says "song" "Artist" "time", etc. The fonts on it get really messed up, like in that picture.
I did it, but now my system is performing slower :(. The internet speed is the same, but when I go thru Finder windows (in example) it take a while to open each folder or launch the app. What's wrong? :S

EDIT: Nevermind, it's back to normal speed now...
Startup in Safe Mode and see if the fonts are still messed up. This way you can tell if you have a bad/messed up font in your system. Then report back to us.
The question probably is which font iTunes is using there. I've seen this happen as well, btw. - it's ugly. And since it doesn't _always_ happen (and only after some time), it doesn't seem like it's a plain old font issue, where you have two fonts of too similar name/ID or something. In my opinion, it's an iTunes 7.x bug of some kind that only appears when some other condition is present as well, although I wouldn't know which. :/