iTunes for Win


Yeah, Androo.
yea, i saw the other thread about iphoto being for windows, and then i noticed that there is no iLife apps for windows. I checked out some web related things, and came across this:
I think that the next iTunes should be free for mac, but windows should have a trial version, and then have to pay, to see how good macs are.
When IS iTunes 4 coming out by the way? I heard it will come out with 10.3...just rumors...
Actually, as for the iLife apps in Windows, there is an iDvd/iMovie in the works, iPhoto beta, and iTunes clone.
wow... my friend was wondering if there would be one. That's cool... sort of.
i'm just looking at your signature, and i noticed that you have a G7... strange
Originally posted by Androo
wow... my friend was wondering if there would be one. That's cool... sort of.
i'm just looking at your signature, and i noticed that you have a G7... strange

A joke to all those PC fools who think we need to know their stats. Like I care what vid card and so on that they have...pfft.
If Apple know what's best for them they won't ever give iTunes to Windows users. It is the app I miss the most in Windows, and thus a great sales point of Macs...

Also, I'd like OmniWeb in Windows, but also that is the very reason Apple should do anything to prevent that from happening...

On a side note, I feel offended, Duckie...
EDIT: Duck, where can I find this iTunes clone? I long for a good music-app...

Currently there is a browser with all the familiarity and ease of use as Safari known as Phoenix ( ). There are Aqua and Brushed skins for it too. Renders like mad and has all the features Safari does. Tho it isnt Moni, it IS better than IE.

As for iTunes, Apple did make a Win32 version of it. I used it myself, but it was an early/buggy release. They might still allow it to be distributed if they ever fix it, but...and this is the best part, it wont look anything like the real thing. It''ll have the name, but the UI will be skinable and have a base skin using Windows controls/GUI.
What I really miss about OmniWeb is the spell-check, all other features were covered by Opera 7...

thank you, I'll look into that iTunes clone...
Lemme know what you think.

A few FYI's. It doesnt resize, and the menu on the left is not usable yet.

eh, such are the limitations of Windows, I guess.
No, NO, NO!
I don't care for the look of iTunes at all, but rather the way it works...having a brushed metal skin isn't enough, it must be able to organize my music in the same way, use playlists in the same way, import CD's as easily and most importantly differ between a music library and a playlist...

iTunes' strength lies in the GUI, not the brushed metal look...
As for iTunes, Apple did make a Win32 version of it. I used it myself, but it was an early/buggy release. They might still allow it to be distributed if they ever fix it, but...and this is the best part, it wont look anything like the real thing. It''ll have the name, but the UI will be skinable and have a base skin using Windows controls/GUI.

Dude - my source at Apple says thats B***S***... There has never been an internal dev version of iTunes for Windows, and as far as he knows, there is no plans to make one. The current belief from the head on down (SJ) is that Apple's main lure is how the apps/OS function together, and keeping the Mac only-ness of the iLife suite and new apps like Keynote is of high priority.

Do you have the file to prove it?
I dont think Apple would bother...I mean, why would they want to make iTunes for Windows? I don't think it would yield alot of "switchers" either....
Originally posted by Stridder44
I dont think Apple would bother...I mean, why would they want to make iTunes for Windows? I don't think it would yield alot of "switchers" either....

May be to sell more iPODs...

I bought my iPod for Windows (open box special). Before reformatting it for the iMac, I tried using the MusicMatch software for Windows. It sucked big time. In fact, it sucked to the extent that I really cannot recommend an iPod to any of my PC buds without also getting a Mac.
Yeah, that might be a reason to do it...they could also sell it at $20 if they wanted to...I'd actually pay that much to have iTunes on my PC...
Originally posted by Duckie
A joke to all those PC fools who think we need to know their stats. Like I care what vid card and so on that they have...pfft.

Eh.. That's to aid other people when they try to help them troubleshoot their computer.

Would you rather post your entire setup everytime you post a problem you have with your windows computer? I don't think so.