iTunes for Windows XP


Ok first off don't start to flame me!
I have a imac . I simply love os x (jag)
I do have to learn winderz cause of school
I have winderz xpee blo and I hate windows media player. It's awful people you just don't know how bad it is.
I heard of a itunes for winderz I am just not sure if it is a macrumors thing or something that IS really going to happen?
(Incase of you how do online gaming on GR yes this is the same [tgd] purevil)
Yep, Steve Jobs said it himself!
I'm exstatic since I have only 1 Mac and two PCs that I can't afford to replace with more Macs (as much as I want to).

I hope it's not an XP-Only App tho cuz that would really suck since I can't stand XP to have it installed on a dedicated PC (its not dual-boot friendly). :p
Don't worry, we won't flame you for being forced to use a PC at school! Many people here (myself not included, thank someone) have (or choose) to use a PC along with their Mac, so you're far from alone. Nearly everyone here prefers the Mac as well (else they wouldn't be here). And many of us do know how bad WinMP is. I have to use it at work (I usually run bumper cars at my company, called Funworks, and the computer has XP and the music is pumped through WinMP... fortunately all I really have to do is push Play or Pause).

I used to use GR all the time, until the hard drive containing it went down (though I think it's operational again). I found this site, though, and this has fulfilled my need for connection.

And welcome to the site! You'll love it.
I also dislike anything Windoze based as well, but WMP can do something that iTunes can't - Rip a cd with individual tracks to mp3, then play them back with no gaps.

iTunes puts gaps at the beginning and end of the files it makes, but even if you remove them in an audio editor, it still will not play continuously smoothly.

Hate to say it, but M$ wins here :mad: :confused:
Originally posted by bookem
Rip a cd with individual tracks to mp3,

you just have to drag the mp3's you want to rip to your Library. Or you UNclick the tracks you DON'T want to import and then click "Import"
No, if you have an MP3 codec or "plugin" installed, it will rip to MP3 as well. Of course, instead of offering one high-quality one, they suggest *5* mediocre ones, and there's more (worse ones) waiting around to be used...