Itunes from old mac


How do I transfer my itunes from my old G3 to my imac G5?
I have a firewire cable and I know you can do it with firewire, but I don't know how.
I thought that g5 would import it automatically. It didn't.
Firewire networking is also a great way to play games and what not. You can set up Firewire networking in the Network Preferences under Network Port Configurations. If I need to move a lot of stuff fast I use Firewire.
If any of your tunes were purchased from the iTunes store, make sure you "deauthorize" your old computer before discarding. This will keep your old computer from being counted against your total computers allowed to play the music.


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Hi Kinc

no sweat if no Bob Marley lots of other stuff I listen to, important is that you can enjoy the music you like on your G5 ::love::