iTunes in more European countries


Anyone heard of this rumor?

With the upcomming 2 year anniversary of the iTunes mustic store due on Thursday, there are rumors that the music store will become available in Switzerland and Scandinavian countries.
Rumours on the AppleTalk Australia community place iTMS Australia at 28th of April quite reliably (Russell Crowe said it explicitly, as did Bexta)
texanpenguin said:
Rumours on the AppleTalk Australia community place iTMS Australia at 28th of April quite reliably (Russell Crowe said it explicitly, as did Bexta)

still no sign of it yet. :(
Ripcord said:
I just wish *I* could buy tunes from the other music stores, there's tons of music in the UK and German stores that I'd like to pick up, but can't get over here (either in the US iTMS or in record shops)

Whats stopping you?
aicul said:
Whats stopping you?

Have you tried to do it yourself ?

AFAIK each store is a local one thus you are not able to purchase from another country ITMS.

If it not the case I would be glad to know as I also understand that you can't find same catalog in the various ITMS, for example US vs French.
iTunes will only 'sell' music from the store in the country where the card is registered, regardless of the card owner's name or nationality.
ie. before the launch of the UK store lot's of people with US credit cards (expats and UK citizens) were able to buy music from the US music store.
Well, it's 8:30 PM now, eagerly launched iTunes... alas no swiss flag yet... info or intox? I'll check tomorrow again...
I was really expecting it to be released at Tiger release party half an hour ago.

But nay.

People were using the Australian one a couple of days ago, logging in through a back door, but Apple closed it. They even got e-mail "account activated" notices and everything.

I suppose this means Apple keeps the attention on Tiger.