I think Apple has already blown it, and if they aren't carefull they will have lost a very strategic position in the music industry.
1st - I can't believe it took them so long to port iTunes over to Windows. In the time they announced their future plans, I can count atleast five major attempts to rip off their music store concept.
They should have put way more resources into this.
2nd - they still don't have their Apple music store open to countires outside of the USA even if you do own a Mac.
I live in Canada, and there are a couple of copy cats who have launched recently.
So from my point of view, they had the ultimate chance to put a styranglehold on the online music industry but have blown it.
They are still ahead, but now they will be fighting it out with the others, and have lost a opportunity to make more switchers from the co-branding of iPod and iTunes.
I don't know what happened? Maybe they beta tested way too long trying to make things perfect..... but if I still can't buy from the Apple store from Canada using my Mac at this point in the game, I don't have much sympathy for them.
To the 30...... the 20...... the 10...... oh! fumble on the one yard line!
Poor Steve Jobs - usually sure handed, fumbled the ball on the one yard line, and now is in a mad scramble with Napster a a slew of other players fighting for the ball.