iTunes iPod competition

I don't think all is lost, of course there are problems, but what is life without them?

I've been around long enough to know that even the most surehanded back can drop the ball and Mr. Jobs has dropped a few. He has demonstrated A-type behavior in the past and the question is will he be able to let this grow beyond his control. License the technology, let other companies develop on the basis of Apple innovations. The result will be advantageous to market size, market share and bottom line

Gwynn is right. The Music Store is a bit of a marvel in a world where RIAA hold the cards. But they cut a deal with Microsoft in Europe, so Apple has to get on the stick to solve the jurisdiction thing and get the store working world-wide.

The RIAA has music in a headlock and only thing that will loosen their grip is when they rely on another player for their own survival. So Apple has to make sure it grows to be that player. When more, cheaper equipment works seamlessly with iTunes, Apple gains.

begin fantasy rant
When most people in the world get their music through an Apple based techno-tool, RIAA will have to listen to them. Then the aquarian tendencies of our favorite computer company can force the hand of the busterd robber barons, become the only middle man and give both consumers and musicians the break they both need and deserve, 50 cents a song, split 60/40
end fantasy rant
I didn't know about the RIAA, and the hypothesis that they were stalling the release of iTunes, nor am I a programmer and might not be up to speed on what resources it might take to port a piece of software over.

I do however consider myself a marketer, and believe that the lag of the International store and Windows iTunes has hurt Apple in a couple of ways.

1. If the other companies didn't know or have access to the iTunes (store) concept, they sure got a wake up call, and the chance to catch up. (and build software from scratch possibily - maybe discreditting the port time issue)

2. They built a potential market and weren't able to fully capitalize upon it. If they had the ability to hold back iTunes (without it leaking - or having another company beat their concept) they could have slammed into this new market with a new iTunes for both Mac and Windows and really play up iPod which had a very dominant position in MP3 player technology (and still does).

With that said...... I am not a business man of Steve Jobs caliber, nor am I a marketer of the quality that Apple would hire, and my opinion might a pile crap considering that other companies probably had similar technology/players/concepts in the pipeline.

So ultimately in a perfect world I would have loved to see Windows iTunes/Music Store/International Music Store/New iPods all released a little closer to one another to create a critical mass for Apple...... in a perfect world.

After all ----- I am a Monday morning arm-chair quarterback!

Yes, for sure. :)

Slo, if Apple were able to launch the WiTMS as soon as they announced it worldwide, they definitely would have done so. If you don't like the RIAA keeping them from making it international, write them a missive and pray it will make it to the write office.

Drustar: Are you saying you like the old design better than the new one, or the old button technology better than the new one? Either way, I prefer the 3rd generation iPods over the others because the buttons are easy to use and don't get in the way, and it's so nice just to rub your finger over the dial and tap the buttons lightly to get it to do something.