iTunes Music Store Expanding


Universal Traveler
"Rolling Stone has a brief article documenting Apple's June 5th meeting with independent record labels.

The article claims that Apple could potentially increase their number of songs on the iTunes Music Service to 400,000 songs (from 200,000) with the addition of the "indie" labels.

Of interest, it appears Apple may be trying to bring the iTunes Music Store into closer reach of kids without credit cards in the form of "stored-value cash cards" that teens could use at the iTunes Music Store to buy music.

Overall reception to the iTunes Music Store by music executives is reported to be positive."

~ From
It's only a good thing if the Music Store expands. I'm sure eventually you'll be able to download anyone you want, especially Dave Matthews Band.
Originally posted by Stridder44
...Of interest, it appears Apple may be trying to bring the iTunes Music Store into closer reach of kids without credit cards in the form of "stored-value cash cards" that teens could use at the iTunes Music Store to buy music.
Is that something like a gift certificate?

Would they sell them via iToone or on the Apple store? ...or maybe at the grocery store with all of the other "gift cards"?
Originally posted by TommyWillB
Is that something like a gift certificate?

Would they sell them via iToone or on the Apple store? ...or maybe at the grocery store with all of the other "gift cards"?

Prolly...its credit of some form...maybe we'll see on monday:D