Itunes Music Store


I have a G4 iBook running 10.3.9, and iTunes 6.0.1 .

I haven't made any software changes in the last week or so.

For some reason, beginning last night, when I try to log in to the ITMS, I get an error saying "iTunes could not Connect to the Music Store. The requested keychain was invalid. Open Keychain Access and run Keychain First Aid, then try again."

I did that. Several times. Nothing. Still the same error.

Some other info---in the login keychain, there is no entry for iTunes.

I can connect to the Music store (browse, play song samples etc.)

My internet connection seems to be working fine otherwise.

If I click the link to open a new ITMS account, I get the same error.

Please help! Thank you!

Go to User/Applications/Utilities and open Keychain access. Then go to Keychain access preferences an click on the restore Keychain button. It will create a new, empty login keychain. Your old one will be saved and you'll be able to copy your most needed items into your new one.
Thanks for the reply, Bob.

Once I've done that, will it create a new entry for the ITMS? I'm at work now, can't check it til tonight. I'll try, and see how it goes.

I tried this, and it doesn't work. I still get the message "iTunes could not connect to the Music Store. An unknown error occured (-1)."

I have upgraded to iTunes 6, QuickTime 6.5.3, running on OS X.2.8 on an iMac G4. The weird thing is, if I keep trying the Music Store 10 or more times iin a row, eventually I can log onto it.

Any suggestions?
Scott, try doing a "find" on any files (not apps) related to "keychain"
and trash them. The keychain data base and its brethren can become
Thanks for the suggestion, Al. I suspect that was what the problem was, as Safari wouldn't connect to secure websites either....

I ended up doing an Archive and Install--went very smoothly, and I'm back in business now.

Appreciate the responses.
