iTunes oddities


Unofficial Mac Genius
I'm having some weird problems with a few files on iTunes...

1) One of my songs is shorter than iTunes expects... iTunes thinks it's 6 minutes long, but then it ends about 2 minutes before that, and restarts from the beginning (if I have repeat one highlighted). Also, I can never be sure where in a song I jump to when I click in the progress bar -- I always have to do a few clicks to get to the right spot.

2) One of my song files is LONGER than iTunes expects... iTunes thinks it's 2.5 minutes long, but it's actually about a minute longer, so iTunes stops it before it's done and repeats it. However, I can manage to have it play the ending if I click in the progress bar to jump to a section -- it doesn't seem to go on hard time when using the progress bar, it seems to use percentage of the song or something.

3) A couple of the MIDIs I have play perfectly in iTunes, but when I open them in QT player, they are like 2 seconds! I was hoping to edit them with QT, but because of this I can't... is it because of the MIDI format?

I suspect that this really isn't iTunes' fault, and that the files were probably encoded incorrectly. How can I fix these problems with my files? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have one or two MP3s that end unexpectedly in the middle of the song... the only thing I can think of is that they were corrupted... I re-ripped them from the CD and they work perfectly now.

Try re-ripping or re-downloading those songs and see if that helps -- and yes, it is weird in iTunes because sometimes those MP3s play FINE in a different application!
my problem.... help

my iTunes visualizer is bizarre. when i go full screen, it covers the entire screen but about 1 inch of the left side is black. its as if the monitor was moved over about 1 inch to the right. no other programs act this way, and altering my screen settings. any ideas?
my problem.... help

my iTunes visualizer is bizarre. when i go full screen, it covers the entire screen but about 1 inch of the left side is black. its as if the monitor was moved over about 1 inch to the right. no other programs act this way, and altering my screen settings. any ideas?
I know that when I go to full-screen visual mode, my resolution switches from 1024x768 to 640x480 -- and sometimes the refresh rate of that resolution makes the screen shift a little bit... this could be the problem...
I want to know if there is a solution BESIDES redownloading/reripping them, although thanks for the suggestion (I thought of that myself, though).

Also, I would appreciate it, sukram, if you had posted your own thread, instead of posting to mine... I want to figure out MY problem here, not have someone else's problem figured out -- if you have another problem that's not related to mine, you should post another thread so that people know they are separate. Thanks.
simX... You know how long your songs are supposed to be, right?
Well, try this...
1)Select a song by clicking it once
2)Choose "Get Info" from the file menu
3)Click the "Options" tag and make sure "Stop Playback" is checked, and then enter the REAL time of the music in the form of MM:SS:MLS.... Minutes, seconds, milliseconds
4)Click "OK"

Hope this helps!
also... about MIDI files.... MIDI is a weird format.... and since you want to EDIT the sounds, here's my best suggestion, assuming you have QuickTime Pro....

Open the midi file in QuickTime... From the file menu, choose "export"... and make it something like an AIFF file or something. Then, open the exported file, and try editing THAT
i wuz having the same problems wit the fullscreen visualizer of itunes like u guys.

i solved the problem this way:

-quit itunes
-switch to 640*480 resolution and go to the screen control panel to shift the monitor screen a little bit to the left so it will fulfill the whole screen
-switch back to 1024*786 or whatever and start itunes again

fullscreen visualizer should work then like its supposed to
i found the same problem on my g4, where the older itunes from os x, 10.04 full screen worked fine, but the newer itunes from os x, 10.1 left a bar on the left. i fixed my problem by running itunes full screen and adjusting the monitor manually from the monitor itself (recentering and expanding the image). lo and behold, once you then quit itunes, the monitor returns to the way you had it set. this is not, repeat, not a problem involving display or refresh depth. do not, repeat not adjust your resolution or refresh rate from the display system preference as that will not solve the problem. simply adjust your monitor with the buttons on the monitor itself while the itunes application is running at full screen. i don't know if this solution will work for you, but it did work for me on the identical problem.
G4 Power Mac 733, 384MB RAM, 40 G drive
os x, 10.1, itunes 1.1.2
...not everybody has got buttons on his screen to set up the screen image :o
Like on imacs, theres no other way then the screen control panel to resize the screen.

thanks for the help. it worked perfectly. i was worried that since i had a non-apple monitor the settings wouldn't work, but it worked like a charm. thanks again.


sorry about that. i should have thought first. and sorry about responding to the thread again, but if i started it, i'll at least try to end it.

Any idea how to fix the iTunes problem using and LCD?

I mean it played fullscreen as a FULL screen in 10.0.2 or so. But with newere versions of X I get the black bars at the top of the screen.

I know it can be done, buy why is apple not doing it?
while itunes is running in full screen mode, adjust your monitor manually to fill the area of the bars. when you quit itunes, the monitor will automatically readjust to normal settings. i am not sure how to adjust the horizontal or vertical on an lcd screen, but there must be a way.