itunes scrambling


I have an ibook G4, 256mb, 12 " that i bought 6 months ago
and my itunes is going back to front.

It has started reading audio cds in reverse track order..

And when i write a cd from a playlist, it tells me while it is writing the disc in correct order i.e. track 1, track 2 etc. .but the track order on the written disk is reversed.. i.e.track 09 to 01. If the tracks are named, the written disc scrambles them into reverse alphbetical order of the song title.

This problem has been intermittent once or twice before, but is now permanent..

I have downloaded the 10.3.9.upgrade, and itunes 6 upgrade, and repaired the hard drive, booting from the install disc.. Strat up disk is not full

Do i have to reload itunes??
Any idea why? what to do?
Try clicking the column headers to reverse sort direction. Also, it may help if you have a track number for each song in the Get Info window.

Hope this helps,
