iTunes Shop in the UK???

Nope. Nobody knows for sure, except the powers that be, and anyone that claims to know is lying or simply speculating. There is no definite date or time that it will be available at the moment.

Wait for the upcoming WWDC (end of June) -- some people think that Steve Jobs will announce the availability of the iTunes Music Store in countries other than the US.
There have been repeated (semi-official) claims of "this year", even "this summer".
Piece in the Independent today says that ITMS in Europe is stalled because the major record companies aren't enthusiastic about signing up – they think they'll get locked into something that will end up losing them money. That should probably read 'making them a bit less money'. Go with those who will sign, I say, and get on with it!
Yep, all you UK natives keep blaming Apple for the delay, but it's YOUR damn country that's holding it up! Hehe... just being sarcastic here, not serious... ;)

Ain't it a shame, though? Even if it did mean that they'd LOSE money on the deal, what's gonna happen? All those poor multi-billionaires would have to settle on being plain-old billionaires. What a friggin' shame. How would they ever survive?