itunes smart playlists query...


Hi there,

I would like to create a smart playlist in itunes based only on genres. I would like a total of 4 different genres listed, but any more than 1 and they conflict giving me an empty playlist.

Anybody know a way round this??

Thx in advance :)
Ok, I got round this by giving them all a general 'comment' and then creating a playlist with that.

Another problem now is that one of the main reasons I needed a smart playlist was that my girlfriend and I both listen to different music, and she's always complaining about my s*** music, so I created a playlist of my own and unmarked all my music in the main library. They are now also unmarked in the smart playlist aarrghhh!! Can I unmark them so they won't play in the main library, but will all be marked in my smart list?
I think your first problem is due to the way it looks for them. tell it to use files with ANY of the specified: (four Genres) instead of ALL of the specified.
As for the second issue, just create separate playlists for each of you... who says you or she have to play tunes straight out of the library listing?
What if i want all the songs to be rated higher than two stars, but i want to include rock, alternative, and blues?
MUST INCLUDE: higher rating than two stars
MAY INCLUDE: rock, alternative, blues
No, but you can have one smart playlist pick up from another one. So you could create a playlist that may include rock, alternative, and blues, then create another one that uses that playlist AND must include higher rating than two stars.

Sure, it's an extra step, but it gets you where you want to be.